Letter From The Editors

In the beginning, there was an inscription. A chancellor on the brink in the first week of January.

Bitcoin is many things, but more than everything else, it is a database. This database is notable in that it upholds the most important monetary policy made by man, but a database nevertheless. Every bitcoin block, by mathematical nature and consensus, must be different from the one before. This is nonnegotiable.

This is what miners really do. They chisel away at an apparition of a block until they find their nonce. With each block found, another muse presents itself, redirecting the miner’s attempts at glory towards the next.

There is no encryption used in Bitcoin itself; every bit of it is exposed to the system of nodes spread across your neighborhood. Understand that Bitcoin is transparency technology. It is best to be careful where you make your mark. Everyone’s going to see it. In fact, node runners have every piece of data they need to audit the truth inherent to the blockchain trapped within a magnet on their desk.

When was the last time you took a look around, eyes wide open? It is imperative that we notice. There’s more than you would ever need to know already published on Bitcoin, not to mention the immutable ledger that trustlessly validates each and every transaction ever made.

block 786501

tx 54e48e5f5c656b26c3bca14a8c95aa583d07ebe84dde3b7dd4a78f4e4186e713

Hash 6c53cd987119ef797d5adccd76241247988a0a5ef783572a9972e7371c5fb0cc

There are three types of data markets: public and permanent, coveted but difficult to obtain, and selectively private.

Bitcoin can be used to incentivize storage, whether literally within its blocks (small data) or from paying out seeders (large data). Bitcoin-backed privacy methods can enable bulletin board bounty systems for hard-to-source data sets, like cables or court documents. You can even author transactions containing private, encrypted data — quietly published over multiple blocks — made transparent at a whim with what the industry calls a dead man’s switch.

If you want information to be free, give it a free market.

The Editors

Project Spartacus

By Namcios

Project Spartacus, a groundbreaking initiative at the cross-section of publishing and peer-to-peer technology, is dedicated to highlighting the critical importance of freedom of communication.

Everything Old Is New Again

By Mike In Space

Art on Bitcoin is nothing new — from Counterparty to Colored Coins to RGB to Ordinals and even Stamps.

How Miners Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The JPEG

By Colin Harper

  1. Miners don’t give a shit about shitcoins; they give a shit about making money.

Random Access Markets

By Mark Goodwin

    1. If you want information to be free, give it a free market.

How Ordinals Get Us There

By Trevor Owens

    1. It’s time to challenge our assumptions about what will bring Bitcoin to the masses.

We Can Be So Back

By Aristophanes

      1. Homesick for a place that no longer exists.

Whistleblowing In The Surveillance Age

By L0la L33tz

      1. Protecting whistleblowers is of the highest importance to any sophisticated publisher.

Social Engineering

By Digital Goon

        1. Urgency acts as an accelerant for social engineers.

Dogma Kills Brain Cells

By Shinobi

        1. The thing with dogma is that the vast majority of the time it starts to fracture.

Overdose: Bitcoin Is A Mirror That Reflects All

By Max Keiser

        1. Take a good, long look at Bitcoin: What does it tell you about yourself?

Buy The Numbers: Ordinals Unleashed

By Joe Rodgers

        1. How exactly have Ordinals influenced the demand for Bitcoin blockspace since their launch in 2023?

Ordinal Sanctorium

By Lucho Poletti

        1. "Sanct-" Latin root meaning "holy or sacred", "-orium" used to denote a place for a particular purpose.